Comedy Stray Notes January 16, 2019

• Seeing Seth Pompi's documentary about Alan Shain and Gary Marinoff tonight at 9:30. If you don't know who they are, go see it. Essentially, these were two elderly mainstays (they were in their 60s- elderly for mics) of the NYC open mic scene up until about 2015.  

• Did Dan Fitzpatrick's show at DTUT on the Upper East Side last week. It was incredible. He puts on a great, packed show and Joe List was on it. Even my Dad was impressed by that.

• I've been taping people's sets at shows for them more and more and really enjoying it. If you need a tape, please hit me up and we can figure something out. If you run a show and want a part of your show to be that everyone gets tapes, let me know.

• This is gross but I'm really close to hitting 2K followers on Twitter at @mattlevy51 and I would love a follow. I will follow back and like your ten most recent Tweets. This is really sad to put into writing but I try really hard at Twitter. I'm that guy now. Figured I had to try this, why not?

• Got a show at QED at 9:30 this week hosted by my pal Brendan Busee, come on out!

• Finally, props to Brianna Murphy for starting up the 100 sets in 100 days challenge this year (grandfathered in from Emily Winter and Patrick Hastie). Love the motivation.

Until the next one. Peace out!